Integrity is our one of the core value, this code of ethics defines our common objective and corresponding fair conduct with our clients, stakeholder and among the team.

Our Objective:

  • To offer opportunities for our supplier, partners and sub-contractors in an spirit of fair competition and mutually rewarding collaboration.
  • To conduct business anywhere in the world with integrity, honesty and fairness in accordance with Global compact principles.
  • To put our employees at the core of our strategic development to create opportunities for individual men & women to reach his/her highest potentials.
  • To disclose relevant information transparently to our stakeholder and financial community


Our codes of good conduct:

In carrying out the professional activities Employees of Emprotec must strive throughout the world to comply with the following rules of good conduct.

  • Respecting the spirit of applicable laws
  • Not granting directly or indirectly any kind of benefit to any person involved in Emprotec business for the purposes of commercial gains or favors
  • Not using for their personal profit or disclosing to a third party any insider information.
  • Avoiding any conflict of interest between their roles in the business and private interest , particularly in their relation with clients , competitors and suppliers. In this regards, EMPROTEC staff must refrain from offering and granting gifts or invitation which is not be acceptable with applicable laws & practices.
  • Protecting the confidentiality of information to which individuals have access to perform their professional activities.
  • Addressing and reporting the abnormal behavior to the ethics & compliance committee which is not compliant to the rules set forth in this code of ethics chart.